The term, “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers,” comes from a line in the famous speech in Henry V in Shakespeare’s classic play (Act 4, sc. 3). This speech was given by King Henry of England to motivate and rally his tired and worn out army that was being called upon to enter a relentless battle against the French.
Shakespeare’s story was taken from an historical confrontation, called the “Battle of Agincourt” that was fought on October 25, 1415 (St. Crispin’s Day). The English army was outnumbered 5 to 1.
But Shakespeare’s King Henry cast a vision with his call to battle – convincing his men that fighting in this noble cause was worth their very lives. His speech convinces his men that they did not want to miss out on a battle that would be talked about through the ending of the world!
The Goal of the Band of Brothers’ Ministry
Our goal is to cast a vision to our tired and warn out generation of men and to challenge them to engage in the noble purpose for which we were created. We want to motivate and inspire men by echoing the call of Christ to be willing to give up everything for Him – no matter the cost. For we do not want to miss out on a noble mission and legacy that will echo throughout eternity!
The term “we happy few” has much Biblical symbolism to describe those who consider the cost and then choose to make a decision to follow Christ. After weighing the costs, few will say “yes” to the call to be a disciple: “The gateway to life is small, and the road is narrow, and only a few ever find it.” (Math. 7:14 NLT)
Sword-Shaped Celtic Cross Logo
The Sword-Shaped Celtic Cross logo is a symbol that means “NO MATTER THE COST.” The Band of Brothers’ Ministry, via We Happy Few, Inc., has registered this symbol as a trademark in the United States and in many parts of the world, including Europe and China.
We maintain a strong belief in the power of symbols and monuments. For example, a wedding band is a reminder of the covenant we have made to our spouse. This cross-symbol serves a similar purpose: it helps us remember the covenant we have made to God – to serve him unconditionally – no matter the cost.
We are not aware of any other symbol that represents one’s “no matter the cost” decision to follow Christ – to be a true disciple. Many other symbols, including the traditional cross, have been diluted. We are committed to protect this Sword-Shaped Celtic Cross symbol, to be used by Christ’s disciples who desire a reminder of their covenant with God and who are not ashamed to identify themselves as sold-out followers of Christ.
Making a decision to follow Christ unconditionally is a radical decision – and the Band of Brothers’ Ministry desires to be a part of calling out and identifying those men who have made the covenant to stand with Christ – NO MATTER THE COST.
For more information about the Trademark.