Dear Heavenly Father,
I surrender my all to you God – no matter the cost – so that I might live a life worthy of the noble cause for which I was created. I will seek out a band of brothers, for whose lives and legacies I want to fight, so that we may be lights in a dark world. Help me engage with my wife and for my children, as I fulfill my mission to know, love and glorify Christ my King.
I believe that Jesus Christ is your son, that He died on the cross as a ransom for my soul, that He rose again, and that you are calling me to help set the hostages free;
I want to be a follower of Jesus Christ – His disciple, and I make this statement after having fully examined the cost;
I want to be fully devoted to being your instrument to accomplish your purpose, and I desire to give up control and to trust in your sovereign and divine purpose;
I pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so that my true heart’s desire will be your will and not my own;
I believe that my body is your temple, so I pray for sexual purity;
I know I cannot serve both you and money, so give me a heart of generosity for both the Church and for those in need;
I believe you have called me to be the leader of my home, so help me to love my wife well even in times of friction and discontent in the marriage, and let me be a strong and humble spiritual covering for my wife and children;
Give me the eyes and lens to see the wounds and scars that my wife endures, and give me the strength, courage, and wisdom to fight for her heart and to rescue her;
Give me a teachable spirit, and show me the lessons you want me to learn from my wife, children, and friends;
Give me the wisdom and patience to know how to bring my children up in your ways so they will be prepared for the battles ahead and will have the desire to know and love you;
Give me the heart-felt desire to always glorify, honor, and lift up praises to you, even in times of trials and persecution;
Help me to find true, authentic, and honest friendships and brotherhood with other men, for whom I would be willing to lay down my life;
Give me your love for my family, my neighbors, and my fellow brothers;
I want to love others well by denying myself and following Christ;
I desire to love you with ALL my heart, mind, soul, and life, and to love my fellowman as myself;
I want to love with Christ’s love, and to serve others with His heart;
I want to live out of my identity and purpose in Christ;
I pray that I will put on, and not take off, a cloak of humility and will give all honor and glory to our Savior;
Help me to run from and avoid temptation and please deliver me from evil;
Give me the wisdom to discern Satan’s lies, oppression, delusions, and evil plans and the courage and faith to stand up for the truth;
Help me to resist and overcome evil by putting on the body armor of righteousness, the belt of truth, the shoes of peace that comes from the Good News, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of your Word.
Give me the desire to bring sin in my life into the light and the heart to seek repentance and forgiveness from you, and give me the courage to seek the intervention and accountability of another brother for any sinful addictions;
I understand that I need a community of believers, because in myself I am weak and by myself I am foolish;
Give me the grace to show God’s grace to brothers who have fallen, but the courage to speak the truth in love;
I want my life and legacy to stand for Jesus Christ, and I desire to fully engage in a life for the Kingdom. At the time of my death I want to be able to say, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful.”
In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
I ______________________________________, made this prayer to my God this _________ day of _______, 20_______.