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Dan Allender, an author and Biblical scholar, teaches that those who have been given a wife by God will find her essential in the noble mission for which they were created to engage. The Lord God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a companion who will help him.” (Gen. 2:18)

In the Hebrew, this “companion and helper” to which God is referring is a “rescuer” in the context of a war! For example, this same Hebrew word is used in the passage from Psalm 46:1-2 to describe God as our rescuer: “God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”

So not only are we called to rescue our wives, but they in turn will rescue us. Our wives are a divine combination of strength and tenderness. We must love our wives, fight for their hearts, and call out their inner beauty and glory. And in time we will discover the reason our mission in this war requires engaging with our wives – entrusted to us as a companion, helper, and rescuer!  The Wife's Pendant is a monument and symbol of your covenant to fight for your wife's heart as you recognize her special place in God's calling on your life.

The Wife's Shield Pendant comes with a card that includes words of blessing to your wife and the symbolism of the Pendant. Click here to view more.

Download Blessing for your wife Download Blessing for your wife (115 KB)


Shield Pendant
for Your Wife

Only $54.95